- Emulate Mouse Movement Using Keyboard.
Mouse Emulator v2.0 utilizes numeric keypad (just press Shift + NumLk to activate for laptop)buttons to simplify the mouse movement. For instance, user can just press on keypad number 1 to emulate left mouse click or keypad number 2 to emulate right mouse click. Further clicking on same buttons will further move them in respective direction. Below are the keys recognized by Mouse Emulator as summarized below:
Keypad 1: Left mouse click
Keypad 2: Right mouse click
Keypad 3: Middle mouse click
Keypad 4: Move left
Keypad 5: Move down
Keypad 6: Move right
Keypad 8: Move up
Keypad 9: Scroll up
Mouse Emulator v2.0 is a freeware and you probably won’t notice its existence as it only consumes 10kB of your system hard disk space. To deactivate Mouse Emulator, just right click on the mouse icon as located in the taskbar. While it may not able to totally replace your actual mouse usage but it will definitely able to assist you in case of any emergency when mouse usage is important. If you think it suits you, just go to download at Mouse Emulator v2.0 with no cost.